Automatic Sliding Door Openers, Everything You Should Know

By | June 22, 2022
automatic sliding door openers

In 2021, the global automatic door market will reach a value of USD 18.44 billion. By 2027, it is expected to reach USD 30.09 billion. This is because many people are starting to switch to both sliding and swing automatic doors. One of the hardware is called the automatic sliding door openers.

Usually, this hardware is mounted on the top of the door and has a sensor. So, the sliding door will open or close itself based on the sensor. If you want to know more about automatic sliding door openers, here is the review:

How Do Automatic Door Openers Work?

Many commercial and residential buildings use automatic sliding doors because of their convenience. The way automatic sliding doors work is quite simple because there is usually a controller or button connected to the door opener.

So, when you press the button, the opener receives a signal to open the door. The mechanism then acts. Moreover, the motor is activated and drives the pulley as well as the device belt. There is also a sensor on the automatic sliding door.

This sensor is useful for detecting when there are people or objects in the way. If nothing is in the way, the sliding door will close and vice versa. In addition, the automatic system on this sliding door usually uses batteries. When the battery runs out, you can replace it yourself or ask for professional help.

However, in general, the panels on automatic sliding doors contain cartridges with batteries. To be able to see the battery, you can slide it up and out. Then, you can replace the battery in the cartridge and reinstall the casing.

Top 2 Automatic Sliding Door Openers

The way openers work on automatic sliding doors is quite simple. There is no complicated technical thing to operate it. If you want to install it, here are top two openers for your automatic sliding door:

1. Autoslide Accessible Sliding Doors

Autoslide’s main mission is to make sliding doors more accessible to wheelchair users and the elderly. The Autoslide has a button mounted on the wall to open the door. Then, there are also door sensors that can respond to movement. There is also a dedicated remote control key fob to open the door.

This Autoslide opener is suitable for pocket doors, patio doors, barn-style doors, automatic windows, and more. However, the security sensor on this opener does not allow the door to close objects or people. If something is in the way, the door will open automatically.

2. Olideauto Automatic Sliding Door Opener

If you are looking for a sliding door opener that is low noise, safe, and professional, then you can use Olideauto. There is a semi-open function that allows you to control the temperature and humidity in the room.

You can use this opener in all types of spaces, from homes, hotels, offices, shopping centers, restaurants, and so on. There is a remote control that you can use to control the door. This device is also not difficult for you to assemble and install. You can do it yourself by following the instruction manual.

That’s an interesting review about automatic sliding door openers. You can try one of the two opener recommendations that have been reviewed above. You can adjust the opener according to the needs of your home.