Benefits of Sliding Door with Retractable Screen

By | May 20, 2022
sliding door with retractable screen

A sliding door with retractable screen allows you to have spacious room and protection at the same time. Therefore, it is good to have a retractable screen on your sliding door to prevent insect or flies from coming in. Turns out that there is a lot of benefits of having a retractable screen sliding door such as follows:

1. Light Protection

Although it’s good to have a clear view of the outside and have light enter the room, sometimes it causes deterioration. Continually solar exposure on the floors, fabrics, and furniture may damage the surface. Meanwhile, a retractable screen installed on the sliding door can absorb heat up to 90 percent before it reaches the door’s glass. Thus, it works as a shield to protect the surface.

2. Protection against Bugs

Outdoor living is amazing but it has its consequences such as bugs invasion. You may have mosquitos, flies, and other insects coming through the open door. So, to keep you comfortable in having fresh air coming in without worrying about bugs, simply install a retractable screen on your sliding door. You can still have lights coming in but with no bugs.

3. Eco-Friendly

One of the ideas of having a sliding door is to have a spacious room and much light to the house. But unwittingly, too much light causes heat gain and leads to the use of air conditioning. So, to keep your sliding door effective, simply add a retractable screen to it. You will not need air conditioning because the screen blocks the heat while giving you enough light at the same time.

4. Provide Privacy

A sliding door with retractable screen allows you to enjoy the views without worrying about someone outside looking in. During the daytime, enjoying the view can be uncomfortable if you feel exposed. Adding a retractable screen allows you to have both enjoyment and privacy. Weave density may vary but commonly it will suit you best.

5. Easy to Install and Operate

No need for an expert to install this screen on your sliding door. You can do it yourself in minutes. It is also very easy to operate because what you need to do is just slide. When you don’t use it and want to enjoy a clear view, simply slide it back to its cassette. And simply slide out the screen when you need protection and privacy. Yes, as simple as that.

6. Provide Extra Space and Beauty

The main idea of having a sliding door is to provide more space in the house. Also, the sliding door adds beauty to the room as you can enjoy the outside view. Meanwhile, the retractable screen you add to the sliding door keep the beauty because it protects you from insect, and heat, and stand during winter or summer. You can also create your private space by using it.

Ultimately, a sliding door with retractable screen gives you beauty and protection. It’s easy to install and operates. It also allows you to have eco-friendly living by reducing the use of air conditioning. A retractable screen also allows you to have privacy during the daytime or when you need a private moment.